leadership in community-based care

Shaping Community-Based Care Teams of Tomorrow  

Community-based care (CBC) facilities play an important role in providing a positive, supportive, and safe living environment for older adults. They could not play this role effectively without strong administrators to manage daily facility operations, part of which includes leading and strengthening their care team.  

As team leaders, administrators wear many hats: teacher, mentor, supporter, and leader. And, they wear these hats to empower their care teams.  

Brené Brown, leadership researcher and author of Dare to Lead, defines a leader as “anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.”   

At NurseLearn, we too believe in developing potential: potential to learn, potential to grow, and potential to thrive in CBC nursing. Born from this very belief, NurseLearn was created to develop CBC nursing skills and maximize the quality of care provided by care teams.  

We recognize administrators have a lot on their plates and cannot always switch between their many metaphorical hats. That’s why NurseLearn designed our free Enhanced Program to train nurses on the ins and outs of providing quality care within CBC communities. 

The NurseLearn Enhanced Program offers training and support for community-based care nurses

NurseLearn community-based card nurse training programs

Designed by CBC nurses for CBC nurses, the Enhanced Program gives nurses the knowledge, skill, and confidence to develop their full potential. Across thirty online courses, nurses will cover best practices within six critical learning areas specific to the field of elder care, including RN delegation, care management, and nurse leadership.  

In addition to free online courses, nurses in the Enhanced Program also have access to:   

  • Mentorship: 1-on-1 mentorship from seasoned CBC nurses in Oregon  
  • Technical Assistance: Learning sessions led by experts and thought-leaders in CBC that focus on nursing practices, innovations in CBC, and broader perspectives on course topics  
  • Community: Online community forums where peers and mentors can further their learning and community-building via group discussion   

As leaders in CBC communities, it is critical to provide nurses with the knowledge and skills to be the best they can be.   

Take the next step in developing your nurse’s potential by encouraging your nurse to apply to NurseLearn’s Enhanced Program to experience invaluable education, mentorship, and community connections.  

The Enhanced Program’s first cohort is limited to 60 participants. Few spots remain.