Enhanced Program Orientation Webinar

Tuesday, August 27

12:30-1:30 pm PT (1 hour) or,

5:30-6:30 pm PT


  • Mentor Introductions 
  • Introduction to the Enhanced Program 
  • Demonstration of the NurseLearn Platform 
  • Q&A 
Agreement and Webinar-August 2024
2Enhanced program agreement

Confirm Enhanced Program Participation and Webinar Attendance

To confirm your spot in the Enhanced Program, check the acceptance box below.*  Then click "Next" to register for the webinar.

Enhanced Program - Participant Agreement
Version Date: February 1, 2024

Welcome to NurseLearn's Enhanced Program!

We are excited to have you on board. Before we get started, here is a plain-language summary of our participant agreement. It is important because it helps set expectations and makes sure we are all on the same page.

🌟 What You're Signing Up For
Learning and Growth: You will have access to courses, mentorship, discussions, and support, all tailored to supercharge your nursing career in community-based care.

Time Commitment: Expect to dedicate about 10 hours a month to the program. This includes courses, forums, and time with your mentor.

Feedback and Progress: We will check in on your progress, and you will get regular feedback. Do not worry; this is a two-way street—we want your thoughts on how things are going too!

⏰ Your Time is Valuable
Technical Assistance Sessions: Once a month, join us for a 1.5 to 2-hour deep-dive into key topics with a Nurse Mentor. Attendance and active participation in these sessions are mandatory unless prior excused absence is granted.

Technical Assistance Discussion Forums: Spend at least 2 hours a month engaging in lively discussions. Participation includes, but is not limited to, asking questions and responding to ongoing discussions. Participants are expected to constructively contribute to the discussions.

Nurse Mentor Time: You will have monthly one-on-one time with your mentor for a minimum of 1 hour.

Courses: Set aside around 5 hours a month for these. This commitment requires engaging with and completing the course material, completing assignments, and other related activities.

🔄 Feedback Loop
We are in this together! Expect regular check-ins on how you are doing, and we will ask for your thoughts on the program too. Feedback may include any consistent and unresolved barriers you may experience that limit your ability to fully participate in the Program.

🚪 If You Need to Leave
Termination: We hope it does not come to this, but if we need to part ways, we will make the process clear, fair, and respectful. You will also have a way to appeal if you do not agree with our decision.

Withdrawal: Life happens! If you need to step back, let us know, and we can explore options, maybe even re-joining a future cohort.

🔒 Keeping Things Confidential
What is shared in the program stays in the program. We value privacy and expect you to do the same.

🌐 Being a Great Online Community Member
When using our program's online platform, we all need to follow a few rules to make sure it's a great experience for everyone. Here's the rundown:

Be Respectful and Professional
Always treat others with respect and act professionally. Let us make this a positive space for learning!

Keep Your Access Yours
Your access to courses, chats, and other content is just for you. Please do not share them with people who are not part of our program.

Secure Your Account
Make sure you keep your password a secret and it is a strong one! That way, nobody else can get into your account.

Report Any Issues
If you think someone has gotten into the platform who should not be there, tell us right away. We want to keep everything secure!

Have the Right Tech
Make sure whatever you are using to access the program (like your computer or tablet) can handle it. If you are not sure, just ask us!

🤫Protecting Personal Health Information
It is super important that we respect the privacy of people's health information. Here is what you need to know:

Keep Health Info Safe
You might come across personal health details in this program. Remember, this info is private and sensitive.

Please do not share any health information about someone that could identify them. It is against the law, and it goes against rules we have in place to protect people's privacy (that's stuff like HIPAA).

📜 The Official Stuff
This is just a friendly overview. The full, legally-binding agreement can be found below. It is important you read and understand it before joining the program.

✔️ Agreement
By proceeding, you understand this summary and agree to the terms outlined in the full participant agreement.

*Participant agreements must be submitted in order to maintain your spot in the Enhanced Program.